A Note of Caution About Internet Resources:
Beware of information that is out there when you are surfing the net. The accuracy of the information presented cannot always be guaranteed. It is usually better to trust sites mainly from government and/or non-profit associations; business sites trying to offer or sell services have a special interest in making their services look attractive and appealing. Always call and/or make visits to confirm that information is accurate. Do your homework and research several sites to verify what you are reading. The following are government or non-profit organizations.
AARP (www.aarp.org)
AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to addressing the needs and interests of persons 50 years of age and older. Through information and education, advocacy and service, they seek to enhance the quality of life for all by promoting independence, dignity, and purpose.
Administration on Aging Information on Older Persons and Services for the Elderly (www.aoa.gov)
The Administration on Aging (AoA) “Elder Page” site contains many useful resources for seniors. There is a large nationwide searchable directory of 230 national and local agencies, health associations, and organizations, and a large compilation of general and statistical materials online, as well.
Alzheimer’s Association (www.alz.org)
The Alzheimer’s Association is the largest national voluntary health organization dedicated to funding research into the causes, treatments, prevention, and cure of Alzheimer’s disease. Their website offers information, education, and support to the five million Americans with the disease, their families, and caregivers.
Alzinfo.org (www.alzinfo.org)
Alzinfo.org is a tool of the Fisher Center for Alzheimer’s Research Foundation to educate people about this devastating illness. The mission of the website is to educate, engage, and create an online community with 24/7 access to information and support via online chats, message boards and the most comprehensive resource databases available.
American Cancer Society (www.cancer.org/index)
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer through research, education, advocacy, and service. Their website contains valuable resources including prevention and risk factors, treatment methods, detection guidelines, and patient services that help cancer patients and their families.
Eldercare Locator (www.eldercare.gov)
A first stop for nationwide information on services for the elderly. The website connects caregivers with area agencies on aging throughout the U.S. by county.
ElderCare Online (www.ec-online.net)
The goal of ElderCare Online is to provide information, education, and support to families caring for aging loved ones, especially those coping with Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias. They believe that whether you are caring for a spouse, parent, relative, or neighbor, you can learn and grow from the caregiving journey. To that end, they provide knowledge, tools, and community to help caregivers improve the quality of life for both themselves and their aging loved ones.
Healthcare.gov (www.healthcare.gov)
Healthcare.gov is a federal government website managed by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is the official website for the Health Insurance Marketplace. Visit Healthcare.gov to learn more about the new health care law, benefits, and how to choose the right health insurance plan.
Healthfinder (www.healthfinder.gov)
Healthfinder is a free gateway to reliable consumer health and human services information developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Healthfinder can lead you to selected online publications, clearing houses, databases, websites, and support and self-help groups, as well as the government agencies and non-profit organizations that produce reliable information for the public.
H.E.L.P. (www.help4srs.org)
H.E.L.P. is a community-funded, non-profit information resource that assists older adults and their caring family and friends by providing information, as well as planning and problem-solving services, on government programs and legal healthcare-related issues that especially impact older adults.
Medicare (Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services – CMS) (www.medicare.gov)
The official U.S. Government site for people with Medicare. Provides information on Medicare, health plans, programs, eligibility, and enrollment.
Medicare Interactive (www.medicareinteractive.org/index.php#top)
Medicare Interactive was created and is maintained by the Medicare Rights Center (MRC). Medicare Interactive helps answer questions about Medicare benefits, rights, and options.
Medicare Rights Center (www.medicarerights.org)
The Medicare Rights Center (MRC) is the largest independent source of healthcare information and assistance in the United States for people with Medicare. Founded in 1989, MRC helps older adults and people with disabilities get good, affordable health care. MRC’s website contains information about Medicare benefits, options and changes, examples of interesting cases they have dealt with, and resources for getting involved in their consumer advocacy work. The site also contains updated information for consumers about the upcoming changes in Medicare and how those will affect their health coverage.
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (www.naela.org)
The National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc. is a non-profit association of attorneys in the private and public sectors who deal with legal issues affecting older adults. Established in 1987, the Academy provides a resource of information, education, networking, and assistance to those who must deal with the many specialized issues involved with legal services to the elderly and disabled. The website includes a section to locate an elder law attorney.
National Alliance for Caregiving (www.caregiving.org)
A very good resource for caregiving families and professionals, NAC is a Bethesda-based association of caregiving professional organizations that provides information, support, and national advocacy on behalf of caregivers. They have put together many admirable reports, including providing an excellent guide to other websites with information on caregiving.
National Family Caregivers Association (www.caregiveraction.org)
The National Family Caregivers Association offers services in the areas of information and education, support and validation, and public awareness and advocacy toward the goal of minimizing the disparity between a caregiver’s quality of life and that of mainstream Americans.
National Institutes of Health (www.nih.gov/health-information)
This website shares – in a fast and cost-effective way – consumer health information about many of the diseases or health problems on which NIH conducts or supports research. You can choose from the growing full-text collection of their most requested consumer health publications.
National Senior Citizens Law Center (www.nsclc.org)
The National Senior Citizens Law Center (NSCLC) advocates nationwide on behalf of low-income elderly individuals and persons with disabilities. It provides litigation assistance, research and consulting support, national policy representation, training and manuals, and periodicals. Substantive areas covered on the site include: age discrimination, Americans with Disabilities Act, Medicaid, Medicare, nursing homes, Older Americans Act, pension rights, and social security. The site includes articles and legal documents on many of these topics. The Center’s publications, including numerous manuals and a newsletter, are described, but are for sale in print form only.
New Jersey Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (www.njhospice.org)
Hospice is a set of services that help the patient and family cope with the effects of terminal illness. This organization provides education and awareness about services offered.
New Jersey Aging and Disability Resource Connections (ADRC) – Division on Aging (www.state.nj.us/humanservices/doas/home)
(www.morrishumanservices.org) website for Morris County
Provides information on what programs and services are available through each New Jersey county office on aging. The comprehensive website provides “one door access” to specific resources for seniors and their family caregivers and offers the community direct access to all their resource publications.
New Jersey Medicaid (www.state.nj.us/humanservices/dmahs/clients/medicaid)
Website provides information on Medicaid benefits and county contacts for Medicaid applications.
Social Security Administration (www.ssa.gov)
The official website of the U.S. Social Security Administration. Provides information about all Social Security benefits.
United Way Caregivers Coalition (an initiative of United Way of Northern New Jersey)
(www.unitedwaynnj.org/caregiverscoalition)Meetings are held monthly in 5 different NJ counties, giving caregivers an opportunity to personally connect with providers and other caregivers. The Caregivers Coalition is the publisher of the Pathways for Caregivers Guide.
Veterans Administration’s Guide to Long Term Care (www.va.gov/GERIATRICS/Guide/LongTermCare/index.asp)
This website offers information for Veterans and caregivers/support persons about long-term care services and settings, links to helpful websites, decision aids, and personal stories that illustrate how to be involved in shared decisions about long term care. The Shared Decision Making aid is a useful tool in helping veterans, their families, and their support persons to decide how much assistance they need. Readers may also download a Caregiver Assessment form.